
2022 Winning Eggnog Recipe

May 23, 2023

The Firestone Cocktail Society team of Brian and Liam crafted their first original eggnog recipe for the 2022 ‘Nog Off competition – and pulled off an amazing win! Their eggnog was a clear favorite across more than 190 total votes. Their eggnog is a rich, creamy traditional ‘nog with the delicious addition of caramel sauce that compliments both the rum and whiskey used as the base spirits.

Here’s how to make their winning recipe at home.

Dry Land Egg Nog Recipe



  1. Prepare the milk mixture in a large saucepan. Combine the whole milk, cinnamon, ½ tsp vanilla, and the cloves and heat on low for 5 minutes while slowly raising the heat to medium-low stirring constantly (to prevent scorching). After 5 minutes, turn the heat up to medium and bring just to a boil while stirring constantly. Remove from heat.
  2. Separate the 12 eggs and place the yolks in a bowl for an electric mixer. (The egg whites aren’t needed for this recipe. Save them to make a delicious Angel Cake to enjoy with your ‘nog!). Whisk the egg yolks until they are thickened and very light in color. Add the white and brown sugars and continue whisking until the eggs are light and fluffy.
  3. Whisking constantly, slowly pour the hot milk mixture into the egg mixture to temper the eggs. (Do not pour warm milk mixture all in at once or it will cook the eggs). Mix thoroughly after milk and egg mixtures are combined.
  4. Pour the combined mixture into a large pot on the stove over medium heat. Stir constantly for 3 minutes until mixture is thick – don’t let the mixture boil!
  5. Remove the pot from the heat and strain into a large pitcher or jug and cool for at least an hour.
  6. Once cooled, add the whipping cream, 2 teaspoons vanilla, and ½ teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg. Whisk thoroughly with a hand whisk.
  7. Add the whiskey, rum and caramel syrup and whisk thoroughly by hand. Let sit overnight in the refrigerator to allow the ingredients to meld and mellow.
  8. To serve, shake or stir thoroughly before pouring into your favorite mug. Garnish with shaved salted dark chocolate. Enjoy!

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